Saturday, June 29, 2013

Show Toddlers How to Eat Healthy

Healthy eating habits are formed since infancy. To start healthy eating habits, toddlers need a sample of his parents. Family doctors in London and lecturer at Imperial College Medical School, Dr. Carol Cooper has tricks for parents.

Healthy eating habits in children can start early with a big influence from the parents. Dr Carol says parents need to prepare a special time at dinner, enjoying a meal together with toddlers. At this time that parents can teach as well as eating healthy foods including exemplifies manners while eating. What is equally important, give examples on how to enjoy food toddler.

Furthermore, feeding the toddler does have its own challenges. Toddler baby no longer rely on their parents to eat but not yet big enough to be able to eat their food.

To help toddlers enjoy the food and have healthy eating habits, provide a varied diet every day. Serve fresh food, yogurt, and cereal with no flavor.

To make it more interesting and stimulating appetite toddler, a form of food that provide visual entertainment for children. Solids form into stars and others. Eating becomes more fun for toddlers, this primary objective.

In addition, toddlers often feel thirsty. So, offer toddler drinks or plain water regularly. But should not be too close to meal time for fear he stuffed his food before eating.

With parents show the right strategy, a toddler can slowly build healthy eating habits that will be brought up to adulthood. healthy eating habits can prevent kid from being picky eater.

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