Friday, June 27, 2014

How to Improve Children's Concentration

Concentration is the ability to focus or sustain attention to something within a certain time frame. Low concentration levels will result in a variety of bad effects for children, among other duties neglected child or children to be like "forgetful", his objects are often missed, even lost because of the lack of attention span, branched mind, could not focus.

There are several things you can do school or teacher, that child is more concentration. Include the following:

1. provide a sense of security and comfort
Provide safety, comfort, serious but relaxed learning. Students who feel unsafe, uncomfortable and too casual will not be able to concentrate well and easily distracted. All matters related to the learning environment, classroom atmosphere, and the way teachers teach very big influence on a child's concentration.

2. Enthusiastic Create child
Enthusiastic is the base of concentration. Invites students to always be enthusiastic about the tasks given. This can be assisted by the teacher by providing learning tasks are fun and challenging and within reach of the child to be able to finish it. Teachers can also use the method of learning in class right so as to increase the concentration of student learning. The material is also presented in a way that caught his attention students. That way, the child will increase concentration.

3. Provide the belief that children are able to

with self-confidence, concentration of children will double, Give confidence or self-esteem in children, they are able to do a given learning task. However self-confidence greatly affects a child's success in learning. With the confidence that they are able to learn the material or do the job then they will be able to do well. Concentration will be full for the child to learn.

4. Create a clean environment

Prioritizing conditions clean and healthy environment for the growth and development of children and free from pollution. Research Ir Puji Lestari, PhD (air pollution experts from ITB), a graduate of the Illinois Institute of Technology, USA shows, air pollution in large cities which contain lead in excess of the threshold in the child's body, can lower intelligence quotient (IQ). Not only has that, the high lead levels also distracted the child's learning.

5. Create a safe house atmosphere
Create the atmosphere of home and school are safe, comfortable and quiet for the development of children's learning. Home and school atmosphere which is free from violence and bullying behavior in children so that the children feel at home and are motivated to learn and go to school.

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