Thursday, November 14, 2013

How to Teach Good Behavior in Pre-School Children

Many parents longed for children who behave polite and cute. Basically, every parent can have a child like that if they were taught by giving real-life examples.

Children are the great imitator. Parents will be their role model in acting and spoken word. Good habits will last forever. Teach good habits as early as possible as well as the foundation for make their personality in the future.

Therefore try to apply good habits from you so that they follow, starting from:


Now it's time for you to teach them the importance of hygiene and habits to be clean. Teach them the importance of bathing every day, cutting the nails, washing hands before eating, and cleaning hands after using the toilet.


It relates to personal hygiene and neatness. It is natural for preschoolers are still a mess, but you have to teach them the importance of having a neat habit. Begin by working closely with them to put toys back in place and set it neatly.


Preschoolers need direction right from your side to understand the concept of respect. Teach them to respect others, not only to respect the elderly, but also taught to respect their fellow human beings.


List of good habits for preschoolers should certainly include timeliness in it. Teach them the benefits of proper time.


Obedient and submissive nature of teaching for preschoolers may be a difficult task. However, interacting with them in a positive way by offering encouragement and love can help them grow in obedience and compliance. Perform this process with great affection.


At preschool age children, the meaning of honesty might not have been so understood. But start giving an example by always do right, for example on time, keep their promises to children, willing to admit mistakes, and do not tell lies.

Sleeping habits

it’s important to teach preschoolers to have good sleep habits. Tell them, sleep late or too late is not good for their health. Parents also should behave the same if you want your child to have healthy sleep habits.

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